easebread1's profile

Location: Ashkāsham, Kandahar, Turkey
Member: August 14, 2022
Listings: 0
Last active: August 14, 2022
Description: Minehut is probably one of the best free hosting servers. However, I have heard people complain about being unable to join without an online owner. Alusky's Blog This can easily be resolved by joining Minehut's lobby (minehut.com), and then doing "/join server name". The server will begin in about half an hour. Sidenotes - People living in Oceania will experience high levels of ping due to minehut's American data centre. A single server can host 10 players, making it ideal for small groups of friends. Link 2. Idleyhost * * Idleyhost can be a great hoster, but its poor performance is one of many reasons it fails. The data centres are located in Germany, which gives you a lot of ping. However, you will have to keep trying to host because there is only so many spots. If you keep the server tab open, the server can run 24/7. The downtime can be significant as it can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 70% of the day. It is still a fairly new server hoster so we expect it to improve. This hoster is best for running a 24/7 server, but it has low performance. Link 3. Aternos * * * * Ah, Aternos, the saviour of Bedrock. Both Java and Bedrock are possible to host. The server's RAM increases the more people are playing. It's hosted in America which is great for most people. It offers more customization than any other. However, it is not able to run 24/7. It is necessary to wait in a line and then people must join the queue. Otherwise, the server will shut down in 3 minutes. Otherwise, this is a good and reliable server hoster. I hope you found this information helpful in setting up your own server. If not, then maybe you could pay for them instead. The following are excellent servers hosts who are paid well: Shockbyte (people often complain about its customer service though) It's there! This is a great list of servers. I hope the start rating helped as well.

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