potatoseal6's profile

Location: Ashkāsham, Khost, Morocco
Member: June 24, 2022
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Website: https://postheaven.net/wiretwine8/qanda-jonathan-schwartz-on-suns-open-source-business-strategy
Last active: June 24, 2022
Description: I'm sick and tired of hearing about people complaining about pkers and how they make Runescape worse. I myself am not a pker and have never truly been one buy runescape gold, I have no plans to ever become one, and despite my level I am often attacked or killed by pkers while in the wild. Although during these times I am often mad or upset, I realize (when I'm more calm) that I'm not being mature on the matter and niether is 80% of the Runescape community (but hey, what do you expect?).I'm often reading certain threads on the forum about people being pked and how they'd wish Jagex would introduce something that would protect the non pkers from the pkers. Many of their arguments are that pkers will pk people for no reason and that it ruins their treasure trail , monster (team) killing, effective coal mining, and whatever have you. Runescape servers Yes, if you are an avid level 3 treasure trail hunter, someone who likes to fight the King Black Dragon a lot with his friends, an agility trainer, or just plain normal person wondaring around the wild, then yes, it does disrupt what you're doing.However, one must take into account that the wild is meant to be dangerous by both monsters and pkers alike. The fact it is dangerous is what keeps other players out and makes what's there, valuable. If the wild were like any ordinary town or place buy runescape money,then imagine how easy it would be to achieve everything the wild has to offer, from an insanely great agility training arena to monsters that drop items worth several millions. It would make the game much easier and take away the fear and adrenaline that one gets when traveling into the wild.Let me give you an example. Let's say they remove the ability to pk (or make it literally impossible by introducing somekind prayer or button). Imagine how many people would be at the KBD lair, how many people would be killing the valuable monsters there (like the black unicorns for example, or greater demons for non members), how many people would complete their treasure trail, how many people would be training in the small agility course, how many people would be there. Trimmed/god armor prices would be cut down dramtically, agility would be harder to train (since certain obstacles mandate only 1 player at a time), unicorn horns would be so harder to get because EVERYONE is killing them, newbs would reap the benefits of what the wild has to offer (such as the runes in black warrior fortress), and so on.The thrill of being in the wild would be non existant. Simply, things cannot work normally, and thus this would make the game worse. Fear is what keeps the players outside the wild. They fear losing their Abyssal Whips and whatever else they hold dear to another player within seconds. It's what makes the wild worth venturing into, and if players would stop being so stubborn and greedy, they'd realize that pkers are what make the wild worth visiting. You may or may not agree with me on the matter, but this is how I feel about the wild and pkers.I'm a Runescape Classic veteran. I originally started playing Runescape in the year of 2002, and during that time I really loved Runescape. I would literally stay in one spot for hours at a time mining two coal rocks and spending 20 minutes walking back and fourth from the bank and my location.I worked really hard for runescape gold this game, and for those of you who think Runescape is hard now, you know NOTHING.I bring this up because I have been pked and attacked several times during my years with the game, and though at first I was upset, I've come to the realization that it was my fault. I wanted to take my chances and risk it all, and I lost.