townspain38's profile

Location: Fayzabad, Kunduz Province, Egypt
Member: June 26, 2022
Listings: 0
Last active: June 26, 2022
Description: Mojang means Minecraft. But that's not the only thing the Microsoft-owned company is tinkering around with. Scrolls was another project: an online card battle game that's accessible on PC, Mac and tablets. The developer announced that the game was coming to an end and would cease development. While it doesn't provide any explanations as to why the game has come to an end, we reached out to discover the reason. Mojang claimed a legal victory over Bethesda by being able to call the game "Scrolls" however, it was barred from naming sequels. Minecraft servers Mojang promises to keep the servers running for another year. That means that you'll have 12 months to finish the most recent update and level that was released last month. Update: A Mojang spokesperson told us: "The launch of the "Scrolls" beta was huge success. Tens of thousands of players battled daily , and many are still playing today. Unfortunately the game has reached a point where it's no longer able to sustain continuous development."