hillgrape7's profile

Location: Ashkāsham, Jowzjan, Malaysia
Member: July 7, 2022
Listings: 0
Last active: July 7, 2022
Description: Membership is the very best way to enjoy RuneScape, and Premier Club has always been the best value Membership deal available. So what better way to celebrate the festive period than by grabbing yourself our all-new Premier Club 2022 deal, securing access to all of the exciting content making its way to RuneScape in 2022?WHAT DO YOU GET?The meat of the Premier Club pie is RuneScape Membership - and you get a full 12 Months, meaning you'll have access to each and every bit of new content heading to the game throughout the entire length of your membership.If you're already a Premier Club Member, the duration of any existing Membership will simply be extended by another year. So, for example, if you currently have six months of Premier Club remaining on your account, buying Premier Club 2022 will mean you have a whopping 18 months of full benefits to look forward to!The perks of Premier Club come in two types - Instant Rewards and Premier Club's longer-term VIP Benefits.Instant RewardsHere's what you'll receive the very moment you sign up as a Premier Club Member:- Exclusive Cosmetic Outfit - the Dawnforged Armour Set.- Exclusive Cosmetic Weapon - the Dawnforged Greatsword.- Exclusive Pet - Sol the Unicorn.- 150,000 Loyalty Points.- 3x Premier Club Reward Tokens.Click and drag to rotate the model! runescape servers Additionally you can scroll to zoom!A new 'Benefits' tab will arrive in the Marketplace alongside Premier Club 2022 - you'll need to claim your rewards there once they're live.VIP BenefitsIn addition, as long as you're a Premier Club Member you can also enjoy loads of bonuses and benefits, making your adventures in Gielinor the best they can possibly be:- Monthly access to the Premier Vault (once per month).- 1x Free Boss Instance (once per week).- +100 Bank Spaces.- Access to the Premier Artefact buff.- +1 Extra Daily Key for every day you are a Premier Club member.- A 50% RuneMetrics discount.- Access to VIP Worlds.- Access to the Premier Track of all Yak Track events that take place while you are a Member, offering the very best prizes.- 12 Monthly Drops containing an assortment of desirable items (e.g. Oddments, Umbral Chests, Knowledge Bombs, Yak Track Task Skip, Protean Packs, Variety Packs, Mystery Boxes).*NEW* 1 Month of Double Daily Keys - this is active from the moment of purchase, and stacks with other Key rewards.Plus, a Golden Party Hat ShardIn addition to all of this, when you become a Premier Club 2022 member you'll also receive a shard for Golden Party Hat Hunt that commences on November 22nd (and comes to an end on January 3rd). This counts as one of the eight shards you need (from a total of 11 available) to earn yourself the super special Golden Party Hat. "Oww, a Golden Party Hat! What's that?" we hear you say. We're glad you asked - you can read all about it here!