peensuede7's profile

Location: Wākhān, Takhar, Egypt
Member: July 18, 2022
Listings: 0
Last active: July 18, 2022
Description: Overwolf the guild of in-game creators, has released an innovative tool for mod creators to use for games such as Minecraft, World of Warcraft and many more The CurseForge API. This software allows modders to distribute their mods directly over the internet. It also adds a whole load more possibilities for gaming communities to share their content online. This new system will allow creators more control over their work, especially when it comes to third-party distribution of their creations. Authors are now able to accept distribution outside of CurseForge. This lets them control the way their content is distributed, and also safeguards the monetisation process through the Authors Rewards points system. It's not just modders who can use CurseForge's API to their advantage. The new terms and service agreement will open up a wide range of possibilities for users who can use the system. This includes mod managers, discord bots, and other gaming community projects which will allow the system to expand and help gamers in innovative ways. CurseForge API already has 217 approved applications including 90 mod managers 42 bots 25, 25 analytics tools, nine server-related tools general modding tools and 11 modpack creator tools. As more users come to be familiar with the software, the number of applications will continue to grow exponentially. If you'd like to apply to use the platform it is possible to do so here. DOWNLOAD FREE All power to the players So what does this mean for players? Overwolf has listened to requests from fans for a simpler method of managing mods and has created a standalone version of the CurseForge application exclusively for players. The Windows standalone version, which is currently in alpha, is built on Electron, and allows players to download and manage mods, add-ons, and more all in one location. The current alpha version of the standalone client supports World of Warcraft, with plans to add support for Minecraft and other games soon. Linux users can download an alpha version the application for their operating system, which currently only supports World of Warcraft. This beta version is still in its infancy, and you can expect improvements and changes to be forthcoming in the near future. If you have questions or feedback, be sure to join the CurseForge Discord server and discuss your thoughts. The app has many great advantages for creators and players alike. It is attractive and has a streamlined layout, allowing users to keep all of your mods and add-ons within one convenient location. Mod authors receive 70% of the app's revenue, making it an excellent method to help creators, regardless of whether you play with the free version of the app or the paid-for ad-free version. Modding delights There's never a better time to start modding your games. There are hundreds upon hundreds of mods on CurseForge that can be used to enhance your game, with graphics enhancements as well as completely new gameplay concepts. One of the most popular Minecraft mods available on CurseForge is RLCraft the modpack that was created to bring a hardcore semi-realism survival element to the game. The Pixelmon Mod transforms Minecraft into an authentic Pokemon-like, monster-catching experience. Utilizing a mix of user-created mods that add combat, capture and more. You don't have time to look through all of the available mods and decide which one you'd like to apply. All the Mods 6 adds hundreds of mods to the game. Are you ready to begin your CurseForge journey? Download the Windows Client here. Are you interested in becoming an author? Register here. Register here. You can also check out the official roadmap for updates and changes to come. Subscribe to the monthly newsletters in order to stay current with the most recent developments. To discuss CurseForge with other users, don't forget to join the Discord server. Have fun and best of luck!